Prahlada was the son of Hiranyakashipu, an evil king who had the boon of divinity. Despite the abusive nature of his father, he continued his devotion towards Lord Vishnu especially in the avat?r of Narasi?ha. After repeated attempts of filicide by Hiranyakashipu unto Prahl?da, Prahl?da was finally saved by Lord Narasimha.The word "Narsimha" is derived from the Sanskrit word" nara" meaning Man and "si?ha" meaning lion.Thus, the Lord took the form of a part man, part lion to kill the Asura. Lord Narasi?ha, being the transcendental Supreme Personality of Godhead, fulfilled all the proper requirements by which the otherwise nearly-invincible Hiranyakashipu could be killed

Narasimha and Devotee Prahalad
Dimensions: 5.5*3*3 (H*W*D) inches approximately
Material: Pure solid brass metal
Detailed features, handy size & clean finish
Vintage collectible sculpture gift