Cast in solid brass metal, this striking set of lizards (gekko) shaped handles are a unique blend of utility and beauty. They signify rebirth, renewal and a new beginning in many cultures & are welcomed as a lucky charm. In India it is believed that when a lizard steps into the puja room and stays there it is auspicious. They say that either your Guru or the Lord Himself rides on the lizard when they come "visiting". A family is considered blessed and the home is believed to have positive vibrations when lizards come to live within the walls of its puja room. These handles can be used on doors, windows, dressers, cabinets, cupboard or drawers.

Set of 2 gecko lizard handles
Dimensions (each handle): 5*2*2 inches (L*W*H) | Screw plates gap: 3 inches
Unique wildlife theme handle - apt for vintage or comtemporary decor themes
Ideal for use on doors, windows or cupboards
Considered lucky charm in many cultures